Hello humans,
First things first, I would like to formally thank you all for the love and support you showed on the post renovation house tour. I know, it's been a long time coming, but wasn't it worth it?! #winkwink
A few days after that upload, I put up a question tag asking the Instagram family to throw in any reno related questions and this is me getting right into that..
So shall we?!
Q1. How did you manage the works you had, where did you find them & did they give you what you wanted?
I used a contractor who was able to capture my vision for the space. He sourced out most of the subcontractors. And with every room, he communicated my vision and needs to the appropriate people.
In terms of raw material, my contractor and I sourced out most of the materials. From bags of cement, to door handles, to selecting paint , you name it!
Q2. Share a plug for floating shelves.
My idea of a floating shelf is one that does not have brackets to support it.
The best way to achieve that look is to tackle the idea of floating shelves during the early stages of construction.
The floating shelves in the pantry are bracket-supported but the floating shelves in the bathroom were built in during the reconstruction.
However, IKEA has some simple and clean DIY floating shelves that are practical and ideal for most spaces. See here
Q3. Where is your shower head from?
CTM, Ngong Road Nairobi
Q4. Did you use a contractor?
Yes I did. The best decision I made for this renovation.
Q5. How did you budget for the project & how long did you save for?
2 years worth of saving.
Q6. Kindly discuss the cost of renovation (before and after each room)?
I intend on doing this at some point. Stay tuned.
Q7. Did you know how you wanted the space to look like or did you change the plans as you progressed?
Very good question. I had a mental picture of how I wanted it to look but I had to be open minded and welcome the idea of tweaking some spaces. This was entirely based on availability of resources and raw materials. As well as advise on what I could and couldn't do to the space due to its structure.
Q8. On a scale of 1-10 how proud of yourself are you?
A 10. A solid 10
Q9. Would you do another renovation?
Even though this renovation has got to be one of the most challenging/scariest things i've done, Yes, I would definitely do another one!
Q10. Not a question...Your grandma must be so proud of you.
Oh Bless! Thank you. I would like to think so too!!!!
Q11. Would you please break down the process of each room? #nopressure
Yes, I will. At some point.
Q12. What attribute did you sharpen from this project?
Patience. This reno taught me how to be patient on a whole new level.