“Intentions are the starting point of every dream-the seed of creation”- Deepak Chopra.

Towards the end of last year, I lost my step-grandma suddenly. She was out and about visiting her sister whilst recovering from a cold or something like that. Sadly, the reason I don't exactly know what she was recovering from, is because my step-grandma and I weren't overly close. I would call her sporadically and I seldom visited. Nevertheless, she loved me. She cared for me and always asked about my wellbeing. She was incredibly involved in my whereabouts and my next moves (my mom did a great job conveying those updates). 

In the course of 2020, I made a big decision to take a bold step that would impact my life and career trajectory. It took me a while to arrive at this decision and the process of taking this leap required tremendous strength. Needless to say, one of my goals for 2021 was to spend more time with my step-grandma. I had intentions to visit her often and let her feed me (as grandparents would so excitedly do). I had hoped she’d take me through all the bits and bobs she had collected over the years. I had a series of questions I was prepared to ask about how she designed her home and what her thought process was during that period. I was even hoping to acquire sentimental heirlooms (a girl has got to dream!) These were my intentions. Pure intentions. Unfortunately, life and time is no respecter of man’s plans. She passed away before I could wish her a “Merry Christmas” and share my big, bold moves that seemingly meant one way or another we would spend some good quality time in the new year. RIP Grandma, I love you!

And not long after, I experienced the loss of a dear uncle. Let me not even get into that because I am still recovering from the sudden shock. And I also do not want to make you miserable. It is not why you came here, right?! 

All this to say, these experiences have granted me a moment of reflection that has shifted my perspective on how I approach my ‘goals’ for the new year. I have learnt that life is too short to be too rigid. It is also too short to be complacent waiting for a better day, a better tomorrow. No one is guaranteed another day. You have got to look at each day as a gift and use it to the best of your ability. Therefore, I am ditching this ‘New Year's Resolutions’ business. This year I simply want to be committed to my growth, wellbeing and to the things that fulfil me. I prefer to call them intentions and I am choosing to look at them as commitments rather than as goals because with commitments, you can almost be certain that they are synonymous with your passions and hence find it easy to develop a strong emotional connection which will keep propelling you towards achieving them.

And in the spirit of oversharing, it would be unfair to lead you all the way here and not leave you with some sort of encouragement. I would honestly like to encourage you to find your inner compass and set your sights on what you want to achieve. Make it personal this year. My number one intention is to get things done. To every project I’ve postponed, to every opportunity I’ve been afraid to take and to every to-do list I’ve left unchecked, this year I am breaking up with procrastination and getting things done regardless of whether I’m ready or not.

I took a social media break in January just to take a moment to breathe, a chance to rejuvenate, rest and strategize for the year ahead (which I highly recommend). I am now back and on fire to get things done, be the best version of myself and have a life worth living for, one that will gracefully mould into a legacy.

Before I sign out, let me just put it out there. Even though we are surrounded by a wind of hope and we are all pumped up and all about achieving our ‘goals’, let us make peace our priority. Peace in the mind. Peace at home. Peace within our relationships. Whatever facet of life you can squeeze peace into, do it and make it a priority. Make room for what is important to you this year and not what is expected or what society dictates. Life has a way of taking us to places we never imagined or saw coming, so be fluid, go with the flow. Embrace it and enjoy it!

Ps. I’ve got my first EVER renovation coming up soon…(I am beyond excited!!!).

Stay tuned, I will share more details in the next blog.

Until next time,



